Friday, February 11, 2011

Hunting is a recreation that happens all around the world.  Many people enjoy hunting as a means of food and as a sport.  However, there are many people that are against hunting and believe that it is considered animal cruelty.  In this blog I will be discussing the different opinions regarding hunting as a sport and as a food resource.  I personally am a hunter so I believe that it is a good thing.  I grew up in East Texas and have been hunting with my dad since I was a little boy.  For me hunting has always been a activity that has bonded me and my father because it is one of the few things that we have in common and both enjoy.  I hunt deer mainly for the food and I also enjoy duck hunting as more of a sport; therefore, I can relate to both aspects of hunting as a positive exercise.  I will also be discussing why hunting is a important factor in wildlife management and why it is important for land and wildlife growth.  I will mainly be arguing why hunting is a positive and important part of life, but I am open to discussion with people that have different opinions about hunting.