Monday, May 9, 2011

Dangerous Geese Eliminated

Deborah Brunswick from CNN News reported on February 10, 2011 that 1,676 Canadian geese were slaughtered in efforts to improve the airline safety.  Brunswick reports that officials from the agency’s Wildlife Service eliminated 89% of the geese that reside within 7 miles of New York's two major airports after a 2009 incident in which birds flew into the engines of US Airways Flight 1549.  As expected, animal rights activists protested that this was cruel and there should have been a more humane way to solve the problem regarding the geese.  As a hunter, I also believe there may have been a more ethical way to eliminate the problem with geese putting the airlines in danger.  However, CNN News reports that there was an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Canadian geese in New York, which is an obvious hazard to the airlines. 

I believe that this story supports the idea that hunting is crucial in wildlife management.  When animals, such as geese, become overpopulated it becomes unhealthy to the environment and dangerous to society.  Therefore, hunting is the most effective way in controlling and conserving the population of wildlife.  Although performing a mass extermination of the Canadian geese in New York may appear to be cruel and unethical, it is necessary if the birds are putting the general public in danger.  This story expresses the importance of controlling wildlife and supports the efforts of hunters contributing the wildlife management.

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