Monday, May 9, 2011

Deer Hunting Regulations

(image from the Texas Parks and Wildlife hunters' guide)

My family owns about 1,070 acres of farmland in Huntsville, TX; therefore, I do most of my deer hunting in Walker County.  In the deer season of 2010/2011, the county began to further regulate the size of the deer that was acceptable to be shot.  Along with many other counties across Texas, Walker County now restricts hunters to shooting deer that have an antler spread of at least 13 inches.  Several hunters that rely on the deer meat as a source of food are upset that they are no longer able to take any buck that has visible antlers.  However, I am very satisfied with the Texas Parks and Wildlife organization’s decision in enforcing this regulation.  The act of shooting young bucks (less than 13 inch spread) is preventing the deer to grow and mature properly.  I also believe that after a few years of obeying this rule, the size of the deer will increase dramatically.  Although shooting a deer with the largest antler rack is not the most important aspect of hunting as a means of food, it is much more rewarding to get that trophy buck that everyone is in pursue of.  Texas Parks and Wildlife places regulations that they believe to be necessary in helping control and conserve the wildlife; therefore, it is important for Texas hunters to support the rules places on hunting in order to insure that hunting will have a bright future in Texas. 


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