Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wild Hog Horrors


Farmers and landowners in Texas have been fighting with wild hogs for years and the populations of these hogs are constantly increasing.  The Eagle, Bryan and College Stations local news source, recently published a story regarding the problem with wild hogs on its website,  Matt Williams from The Eagle states that according to Texas A&M researchers there is between 1.9 million and 3.4 million wild hogs in Texas alone.  Research also shows that one federal hog can cause up to $200 of property damage in a single year.  I work at Pebble Creek Country Club here in College Station and we have had a problem with wild hogs tearing up the golf course for several months.  Therefore, I have personally witnessed the severity of the damage that hogs can cause.  However, according to The Eagle the wild pigs are no longer a problem in rural areas alone, they have also migrated into metro areas.  There have been 250 federal hogs trapped inside the city limits of Irving, TX.  Something needs to been done to control these wild hogs from destroying land and possibly harming people.  The pork chopper bill was passed in Texas which will allow hunters to shoot wild hogs from overhead in a helicopter.  I believe that this method may help; however, the most effective way to control the hogs it to trap them.  I believe trapping them is a more humane way of dealing with the problem rather than shooting the animals from a helicopter.  Although hogs are a nuisance in Texas, I still believe that they are animals and they deserve the sportsmanship of being disposed of in a respectful manner.

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