Monday, May 9, 2011

Shark Finning Ban

The news source in Houston, TX, reports that a Malaysian state plans to ban shark hunting.  The sharks are hunted mainly for their fins.  According to, activists claim that finning is inhumane because fishermen are cutting the fins off the sharks and tossing them back into the water to die. also states that according to a wildlife trade monitoring network, up to 73 million sharks are killed annually.  However, many people are upset because shark fins are a culinary delicacy.  I believe that if the sharks are being hunted for food and other appropriate resources, it should be allowed.  Although if hunting shark is permitted, it should be regulated and consist laws in order to adequately conserve the wildlife of the sharks.  However, the problem I have with the events occurring in Malaysia is the idea that the sharks are being bumped back into the water after the fishermen cut the fins off.  I agree with the animal rights activists that this is cruelty to the sharks.  If the sharks are being hunted and killed for human consumption it should be allowed.  However, the sharks are creatures that deserve the respect and dignity to be disposed of appropriately.  Hunters and fishermen need to take pride in their kill and perform the act in a way that will express the appreciation they have for the animal.  I believe that hunting any wildlife in order to contribute to the well-being of mankind should be accepted, as long as it is performed in a moral and ethical way.

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