Monday, May 9, 2011

Shoot a Doe!!

Several hunters and land owners, like my uncle, do not allow the killing of doe, female deer, on their land.  They thought behind this is that the doe are the ones that reproduce deer; therefore, they should be not hunted.  There were also laws back in the early 1900s that only allowed bucks to be killed because people viewed the shooting of doe as taking a mother from its babies.  However, this is actually very unhealthy for the land.  If only the bucks are being taken off the land, it becomes overpopulated with doe.  This can be a problem because it can cause the younger bucks to have trouble surviving on the land.  It is important to kill both does and buck in order to regulate the population and allow all deer to have an abundant amount of vegetation.  This is also important in helping control the deer population as a whole.  Doe also give birth to fawns, baby deer, which can cause the deer population to increase uncontrollably.  The deer population is currently at a record level, which increases problems such as car accidents involving deer on the roads.  Therefore, it is important to shoot doe and buck consistently in order to properly control and regulate their population.  In fact, there have been select areas in the past that required all hunters to shoot a doe each season in efforts to help resolve this problem.  Although shooting a doe is not as rewarding as shooting a buck, it is important for the proper management of deer. 

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