Monday, May 9, 2011

Managing Wildlife by Improving the Trinity River Basin

Steve Byrns from The Eagle, College Station’s news source, reports that land owners are being asked to help manage wildlife habitat and water quality in the Trinity River.  Byrns reports that according to a Texas AgriLife Extension Service wildlife specialist in College Station, private landowners are the key to restoring and managing wildlife habitat and water quality on the middle Trinity River Basin.  Byrns also reports that Jody Carton, the conservation foundation’s executive director, said the Trinity River and its watershed are important because it is the most populated river basin in Texas and the main water source for almost 45 percent of the state’s population.  The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is also active in this effort to improve the quality of the Trinity River.  Not only is this important for human health safety but it is also crucial to the wildlife that relies on the river for survival.  The 45 percent of the state's population that uses the river's water, as stated previously, includes both the human population and the wildlife population.  The actions are to improve both the soil quality and the water quality at the Trinity River Basin.  The Eagle also expresses that people In Texas depend on the Trinity River Basin more than any other basin in Texas.  This is a great project because it will help improve life for Texans that enjoy the Trinity River Basin, as well as help conserver the wildlife on the basin.

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