Monday, May 9, 2011

Preserving Wildlife Management by Hunting Ethically

Unfortunately hunters have a negative reputation of harming the population of wildlife.  However, this is not case.  PETA is the most well known organization that is against hunting; however, it is apparent in their financial reports (revealed on the PETA website at that they do not contribute much to the conservation of wildlife.  In fact, almost all the money that is available for wildlife management comes directly from the hunters.  According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services on their website, nearly $200 million in hunters' federal excise taxes are distributed to State agencies to support wildlife management programs each year.  The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services also states that it is the hunters’ responsibility to help preserve wildlife by respecting seasons and limits, purchasing all required licenses, and paying federal excise taxes on hunting equipment and ammunition.  Therefore, the hunters that harm wildlife are those that do not respect the animals and the future of hunting.  As a hunter I believe that it is very crucial that all hunters respect the recreation as well as the animals that allow hunting to exist.  Killing animals with cruel intensions or outside of that particular animal’s hunting season, known as poaching which is illegal, is wrong and unethical.  Hunting is also important in controlling wildlife and keeping its population at healthy numbers.  Therefore aside from what many people believe, hunters provide the greatest contributions toward wildlife management.  Hunting is good for wildlife and the environment as long as it is done in a ethical and respectful manner. 

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